The Division has two major conferences each year. An annual conference is held concurrently with that of the parent society. The agenda usually includes a dinner meeting, one or more conference sessions and a luncheon business meeting. Joint meetings are also held with other Divisions of the Society. The annual conference program is planned to include areas of interest to instructors in university education as well as those instructing at the junior and senior college levels.
A separate national mid-year conference specifically for engineering design graphics, similar in format to the annual conference, is held by the Division each year between October 1st and January 31st. ASEE is divided geographically into 12 sections. Members of the Society, as well as the Division, are members of the section in which they reside. Section or regional conferences are frequently held, and since they are almost always within a short driving distance, members are encouraged to attend. These conferences provide a means for every member to contribute and to benefit from the educational activities of the Engineering Design Graphics Division.
Calendar of Events | Conference Proceedings