EDGD Participation Grant

Complete List of Awardees


EDGD Participation Grant is intended as a developmental program to encourage potential and new graphics instructors to participate in the activities of the Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD) of ASEE. It is also anticipated that the grant recipients will make the EDGD one of their professional affiliations and activities on an ongoing basis throughout their professional career.

Now new faculty can apply for the EDGD Participation Grant. A “new faculty” member must be in the first or second year of a regular faculty appointment and have not attended an ASEE/EDGD midyear meeting before.


  1. The EDGD Participation Grant is open to all graduate students and new faculty in graphics-related programs or courses (for example, Engineering Graphics, Technical Graphics, and Computer Graphics). The EDGD Participation Grant provides a maximum of $500 to attend the EDGD Midyear Meeting. The grant must be used for travel, accommodations, and/or conference registration.


  • TBD*
    Ten weeks before the Mid-Year Conference: The announcement is sent to EDGD and ETD listservs by current Vice-chair
  • TBD*
    Two months before the Mid-Year Conference: Deadline for applications submitted to the Selection Committee.
  • TBD*
    Six weeks before the Mid-Year Conference: Selection Committee chair notifies potential grant recipient. An alternate is selected but not notified.
  • TBD*
    Five weeks before the Mid-Year Conference: Deadline for notice of commitment of recipient submitted to Selection Committee. Alternate notified if necessary.
  • TBD*
    One month before the Mid-Year Conference: Grant check sent to recipient.

Important Dates

Deadline for applications: *TBD*

Recipient notified: *TBD*

Complete the Application Form (Interactive PDF) and E-MAIL to:

Bob Chin
Department of Technology Systems
East Carolina University
East Fifth St.
Greenville, NC, 27858-4353
Email: chinr@ecu.edu


The EDGD Participation Grant provides a maximum of $500 to be used to offset transportation, registration, and lodging at the EDGD Midyear Meeting for which the grant is awarded.